Mastering your Money
A practical Financial Guide for Young People in their 20s and 30s
This is a must-read financial guide, perfect for youth, parents, caregivers, mentors, and more. Building on the success of Chacha’s bestselling first book, this guide empowers you with practical strategies to achieve financial freedom.

About the Founder and Lead Trainer
Chacha Nyaigoti Bichang’a is a Lecturer, Unionist, Financial Coach, Mentor and Author of Mastering Your Money. He has a profound passion in Personal Finance, Leadership and Personal Development besides teaching Linguistics at the university. He participates in radio talk shows on personal financial issues, Metropol TV Business AM and Eye on the Money, and offers expert advice on Saturday Nation column on Personal Finance.
Services we offer
In case you want a one-off consultation on personal financial matters, we charge a token of Kshs.5,000.
Our Book Collection
Mastering Your Money for Young People in their 20s and 30s is a timely financial guide for not only the youth in their 20s and 30s but also people in middle ages who are parents, caregivers, instructors, preachers, mentors and other key stakeholders.
KES. 1,000
KES. 1,200