Who we are

About Chachanomics

Chachanomics is an interactive personal financial program that teaches people of all walks of life about basic skills on personal financial management and wealth creation. The skills include budgeting, tracking one’s expenses, saving, investing, debt management, and asset protection.

We offer the following services at affordable rates 

In case you want a one-off consultation on personal financial matters, we charge a token of Kshs.5,000.

Personal Financial Consulting

Personal financial coaching (online one-on-one sessions for 3 months)

Kshs 30,000 

Financial & Life Skills

3 – 6 months financial and life skills training

Kshs 50,000

Corporate Training

Corporate and institutional training based

Kshs 50,000 per session

New Release

Mastering your Money

Mastering Your Money for Young People in their 20s and 30s is a timely financial guide for not only the youth in their 20s and 30s but also people in middle ages who are parents, caregivers, instructors, preachers, mentors and other key stakeholders. The
book is Chacha’s second publication that builds on the solid foundation laid by his first
ground-breaking personal financial manual, Mastering Your Money: A Practical Financial Manual in Your Journey to Financial Freedom, which became a bestseller in Kenya in 2020 and 2021 in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Mastering your Money

Many people journey through the school of life wondering, 'What is money really about?' More importantly, some ask themselves, 'How can I overcome my financial problems?' 'Mastering Your Money', therefore, delves into the hitherto tabooed subject of money which is rarely talked about at home, school, church, workplace, social events or even in the street, yet money is the glue that holds together other pillars of life.

Price : Kshs 1,000 (Exclusive of sending Charges)


As a practical guide, ‘Mastering Your Money’:

Simplifies the concept of money.

Helps you to improve the way you relate with money.

Explores the causes and remedies of the financial problems people face.

Challenges you on how to budget, save, invest and protect your assets.