
This is a good read. The best, most realistic manual about money IQ you'll get. A Kenyan book, by a Kenyan author to the Kenyan person.
Phil Director
Indeed, I have never come across such a simple practical guide that is bringing to reality a candid conversation with money. How we relate with money on a day to day really determines longevity of money relationship with us. I have loved the Passion that the author has concerning this topic even by sharing his real-life experience, the mistakes he encountered as well as the learning points. Sharing with us the simple tools that he used to reverse the same is a great gift to many. The step by step illustrations like the ones for calculating net worth, budgeting and saving makes it simple to any one who is intentional about having a candid money conversation in order to change his or her financial story. The misconceptions and facts about money are an eye opener towards our journey to financial freedom. The financial tips for every age bracket are equally illuminating and applicable to any person reading this wonderful book. You will not just read and walk away without getting one or two crucial life-long lessons that you will put into action. The practical exercises would be of great help. Grab your copy now, fasten your belt and enjoy the reading and be transformed in your journey to mastering your money and attaining financial freedom.
Ruth Mueni
Corporate Trainer, Inspirational Speaker and Author of A journey of Faith and Hope
Mastering money is a subject that the formal education system has ignored. It is my firm belief that the day that the establishment finds the wherewithal to add this subject to the schooling system, the world will change for the better. Chacha has put together a brilliant reference point for most of the things that elude most people. From one chapter to the other, the author guides you through the thorniest issues that relate to money. Using his own personal experiences, he has brought out to the fore taboos, believes and behavioural blocks that usually stand in the way of most people‘s understanding of how money works. This is not just any other ordinary book that you may have come across but a practical guide written in an easy to understand language and has numerous brilliant examples to help you create a complete picture about how you can improve your financial situation. At the end of it all, you will be glad that you did. My experience with money has been that it is omnipresent and you must have the right set of lenses to see its flow. The author has created a framework to help you create that kind of lens so that you can finally Master Your Money. Read through every chapter in the order they are organised and do the simple exercises as well.
Kilundo Mbithi
Kilundo Mbithi Real Estate Consultant, Author and Coach
Mastering your Money is indeed a practical guide to financial freedom. The personal money experience stories that Chacha Nyaigoti has narrated and diagrams showing the financial breakdown are indeed the climax of the book. He has also widely researched on what others think or believe about money hence enhancing the content. After hosting Chacha on a number of Financial Radio Talk-shows, I can authoritatively say that this is the Financial Book of our time.
Sorobi Moturi Erastus
Radio Presenter, Author and Media Consultant
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